Another recipe and video to enjoy

Last week the tribe was out making some first aid videos with our medic and during lunch our chef made this great stew while we had a break. We could then enjoy this in the sun which made us feel all warm inside and ready to finish the rest of…

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News from the chef

So we have been quiet for a bit, sorry about that. The tribe been busy though despite our lack of new posts for the last two weeks and we have several new video clips and recipes coming in. It actually is so much that I have quite the backlog just…

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Good Sunday morning!

At least here it is now early Sunday morning, not really sure why I’m up except that the sun is also starting to rise here and I got hit in the back of my head while it was still dark. But now there is a fire burning in the stove…

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Asparagus and Bacon, a great combo!

We tested a new recipe this week and it was great, Asparagus and Bacon is a great combination for a hot soup to bring with you on a trip. Quick and easy to do with only a few ingredients, it sure is something we can highly recommend to test. Especially…

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Our chef has made an update!

Check out this great BBQ recipe that our chef has put together for us all. It shows both how to prepare the required stuff at home as well as finish the sauce over an open fire. We of course tested it right away on some burgers that we hope to…

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