How much time and effort you place on your sleeping place depends on how long you plan to stay and what the ground temperature is. But it always good to put some extra effort to your sleeping place as a bad nights sleep can ruin not just the next day but in worse case several days or the whole trip for you
The basic things to check is that the intended sleeping place is both dry and flat with no rocks and roots. Also make sure there is no ant nests or roads where you intend to sleep.
Option 1 – Temporary sleeping place in temperate climate
- Remove any lose twigs, rocks, pine cones and other things that might disturb your rest.
- Put a tarp or a similar waterproof blanket to keep the moist from the ground away.
- Put one or several sleeping pads on the tarp and finally the sleeping bag.
Option 2 – Temporary sleeping place in cold climate
This option is good if the ground is cold or frozen.
- Put a layer of at least 20cm of twigs of spruce, pine tree or other trees with many small leaves. Pack as tight as possible to create a extra isolation layer towards the cold.
- Then put the tarp and sleeping pads on top of the twigs.
The twigs and leaves will bind air between them which then will help to prevent the cold air from rising through the sleeping pads.
Option 3 – Long term sleeping place
If you plan to stay on the same place for several days or build a base camp you plan to return to often. Then it might be worth it to create a sleeping hole.
To create a sleeping hole, dig a at least 20cm deep hole that is slightly wider and longer than your sleeping pad. Make the area where you will have your feet slightly deeper. This will make the cold air that is heavier than warm air to sink into the hole and move into the deepest part of the hole which will be where your feet are.
Put a at least one open hand thick layer of thin twigs lengthwise on the bottom with a few centimetres distance between them. This will create a tin layer with air in the bottom that will help move the cold air to the deepest part.
Then put a layer of either dead or alive twigs from spruce or similar to create a new base layer. Then put a layer with dry grass, leaves and similar until the hole is full.
Top the the sleeping hole with a layer of fresh twigs from spruce or similar trees so that your sleeping place will be above the ground. Then put your tarp, sleeping pad and sleeping bag on top.
There is three problems with option 3. It takes time, you need a lot of materials and once you have lied down on the bed you don’t want to get up again. 🙂
A good habit is to daily remove the top layer to dry out the moist that have gathered in the hole during the night.